Monday, February 9, 2009

Back In The Saddle Again

Happy Happy Monday!

Just wanted to pop in to start this week off with a post. Ya’ll know how stable a blogger I am. But I am trying, as if that counts for anything.

It’s been rainging all weekend and this morning. I love the rain though. The sound, the smell, the feel of it on my skin. Of course it’s not as pleasant to bop in the downpour here in Cali as it was in Hawaii. Although it rains every single day on the island of Oahu, the water is warm and the minute the sun shows back up 10 minutes later, you dry right up. Rain is wonderful.

Anyway, since all my goodies have vanished, I have much to do to replace what I can and I would like to finish the other Valentine kit sheltered in my mind. Shown below is a template I whipped up for ya’ll. You’’ll notice the colors are a bit odd for a template, that’s because they are the shades of my new kit. Help yourself, I hope you enjoy it. And cross your fingers that I can tap my fingers quick enough to finish my next kit my Friday.

Download template **HERE**

Cupid draw back your bow
And let your arrow go
Straight to my lover's heart for me

Cupid please hear my cry
And let your arrow fly
Straight to my lover's heart for me

Wow, not only do I know the lyrics to this song but I know who sang it as well. Do you?

Love ya’,


Ava in Wonderland on February 11, 2009 at 12:56 AM said...

Wow, gorgeous photos! Thanks for the template! :)