Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Oh Happy Day..
Happy Sunday!!
I am having a tremendously blissful day that I would gladly share with you if I could only bottle a wee (St Patrick’s Day reference) bit, stuff it in a bottle and send it your way. I am exhausted but the sort of exhaustion that feels so very good. My legs woke me up in the middle of the night shrieking in agony, my bum is throbbing, my back and shoulders are so enormously sore I am swallowing four ibuprofen at a time. Yet, I feel invigorated. A very fatigued and aching invigorated but invigorated none the less. This morning, I awoke bright and early, literally crawling out of bed when my youngest strongly suggested I take the day off. At first, I wavered. I’ve been walking every single day for nine days straight, sometimes twice a day, and I really didn’t want to do anything to break my momentum. But, I was so sore and tired, I decided to go with the whole day off idea (although, I might walk tonight if I feel up to it). So, I’m not even going grocery shopping today (I’ll do it tomorrow), just tidy up, toss in a load of laundry and play with my new kit. Perhaps even take a catnap. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

Guess how much I weigh.

Of course you can’t guess, you have no idea and, neither do I. Last week I attempted to weigh myself, first time in probably a year. Going as far as pulling the scale out, holding my breath and stepping on it. Mustering up what little courage I had left, I looked down and saw something I didn’t expect. The scale was blank. Oh! My! Goodness! I broke the scale! Nah, it was simply a dead battery. Whew. I was about to run to Target to pick up a new battery when I decided against it. Do I really care what I weigh? In the long run, yes, but today, no. Does it really matter if I lost two pounds or ten pounds last week? If I’m happily walking morning and night, eating well (which I am. No chocolate in any form since last Sunday and I’ve lived to tell about it), why even bother with the scale? Those numbers will only dishearten and discourage me. There isn’t much more I can do at the moment. (Okay, I could definitely drink more water, I’ll work on that this week.) I’m not even going to bother getting on any scale until my doctor’s visit. If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

I wanted to share with you a layout done by Jo with my RD You Broke My Heart kit. I have to confess, it’s pretty cool to see someone put together a gorgeous page with my kit. Thank you, Jo, it is amazingly beautiful.

Even though today is Sunday, we’re going to play Friday Fiver and here’s the deal. Everyone has until Wednesday at midnight to answer and all those who respond will receive my new kit (which will be released for sale on Friday) free and first. YaY! Free stuff! Play the game, get the goodies, it’s just that easy. Here we go..

In what five ways do you reward yourself that have nothing to do with food?
Friday, for being so good all week, I took another walk.
Buy a new book and/or magazine.
Spend extra time playing on the computer.
Download music I’ve been wanting.
Take a nap.

Wow, I definitely need suggestions on how to reward myself. That’s what happens when one becomes ‘just’ a mom for so long. So, give it up and I’ll send you the link and password for my new kit called Primrose Lane.

Okie dokies, time to get down to business or take a nap. Heads, work, tails, sleep..

( =


Jo on March 9, 2009 at 8:08 AM said...

That's cool you've been so consistent with walking. Especially when pretty much anything could be an excuse not to go.

Cool "Friday" Fiver...

1. I'm going to steal take a nap
2. Getting on my laptop while Elijah's awake
3. After finishing a project, taking breaks at work (like now)
4. Going outside and enjoying the Spring weather
5. Scrapbooking

This one is food related, kind of, but I still wanted to mention it. I don't drink any caffine all week, so on the weekend I reward myself with a caffinated beverage.

Hehe, I have no suggestions. Those sounded good to me. :-)

Thanks for sharing my layout. It was a fun kit to work with. Can't wait to see your new one.

Ava in Wonderland on March 10, 2009 at 1:13 AM said...

Good for you taking charge and walking and eating right! I cannot wait for the weather to start getting nicer so I can start walking again, I so need it!