Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally Friday!

YaY for Fridays! Don't you just love Fridays? They are so the best. But then, I love Sundays and Mondays and Tuesdays and Thursdays too. It's not that I hate Saturdays or Wednesdays, they're just a tad boring. Fridays though, just the best.

I've been pursuing through other people's Project 365 blogs and, I hate to mention this, but, I suck at this. I take the photos, that's not the problem, it's posting them where I fail. Why is it I can't blog? Nothing much exciting happens to me. I live a fairly drab life. I scrap, read, watch tv and/or movies, listen to music, sleep and eat. All that's pretty tough to make sound exciting. I suppose I could write about my dreams, they're a little out there. Nest time.

Okay, time to post my photos for the last few days. Here goes..





Well, I guess that will have to wait my connection is being a bitch so I'll try again later.
